by Gary Cundiff
Cherry Hill (NJ) Police Department (ret.)
It has been a year since I last wrote to you. The war here in Afghanistan still goes on, and like our Brothers back home, the Cops take the brunt of it. This past year in Afghanistan, hundreds of Police Officers were killed in the fight for freedom -- more than all of the Afghan and coalition soldiers put together. Their "Blue Line" is stretched thin, but holding against the Taliban.
As all of this goes on around us, up here in the central highland mountains of Uruzgan, we still remember our fallen Brothers and Sisters back in "The World" and our hearts go out to their families. This year we feel a special sadness in the recent loss of a Philadelphia officer. My partner here, Tony Magnum was a Philly cop. We wish we could be with you at the memorial.
But we will be there in spirit, and before the morning sun reaches DC, we will bring our little flag to half staff as the pipes play Amazing Grace. And we will remember.
God Bless You All. God Bless America.
just wanted to say I've linked to your blog and think what you all do here in DC is tremendous.